End of the Day Reflection
It’s the end of the day and things are winding down. Time to take stock of what happened and review. This is a great moment to reflect on the good things in your life, recognize areas where you have improved, and notice other things that came up to work toward. The act of writing down…
Encyclopedia of Hip Stretches: Pigeon Pose
Pigeon Pose was the first hip stretch I ever learned about therefore it is here marking the first entry in the encyclopedia. I was drawn to this yoga posture because you were encouraged to take the position and hold it for a longer period of time. I really enjoy long stretch holds because they allow…
Thai Massage Circus 2/10/16
The morning starts with 1/2 hour meditation followed by playful yoga for one hour. The teacher – Baba – is very funny and helpful. This morning’s class we reviewed the previous days work. I admitted to my partner that I had a biopsy and had not told anyone or spoken about it since I left.…
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