There was a strong pull to drive through DC and stop at the Lincoln memorial. Partly because of the Black Lives Matter Movement and partly because I share a birthday with Abraham Lincoln. I wanted to take a moment to be in the presence of someone who changed the course of American history. Someone who started us on a new path. The road has not been smooth and there’s a lot of work left to do, but I needed to take a moment and sit at the foot of this statue and just contemplate the enormity of the decision that was made, all the pressure, and all the bloodshed that came after… and how it still continues today.
I do believe wholeheartedly that we are all here to transcend the differences of race and recognize that we are all human. That we can stand side by side in a brotherhood of man. That we can forgive and work together to form a new world. No matter what race or nationality that you come from, I’m with you. I see you. Let’s work together moving forward.

Richmond Virginia has a special quiet beauty. It feels similar to an old European city, well worn with footfalls of generations, history, struggle, and finally relief….peppered with stray bullets and graffiti. For me Virginia was about resting. Taking a moment to breathe and settle the energy. Chatting with an old friend while walking through a chapter of a lifetime we had together. Connecting the dots to complete an unfinished puzzle. Finding a final resolution and then taking a nap.
It was really sweet to chill in the yard and watch all the animals roam the yard. These two friends of mine found a way to carve a slice of heaven out of this earth and start making it their own. I sat calmly observing their gentle interactions while they fenced in and planted the garden. They worked quietly and steadily as though they had all the time in the world to enjoy the process. Taking gentle care of each step.

We hiked through Belle Isle, had an authentic German dinner, listened to music, and contemplated the meaning of life around the campfire. These are the divine moments we live for, the ones where we can enjoy the simple beauty of being together for a conversation over a good meal.
One response to “2021 Road Trip: Washington DC & Virginia”
Hey how’s it been feeling? Uncharacteristically here, I basically stayed in all last week. Btw, your trip reminds me of when I went to stay in Colorado Springs for several weeks. I think I was 31 and was considering moving there and even got a job doing electronics. But it was geology that took me of course, while family feelings brought me back. Are you still thinking of coming back around here?